A note of warning about getting rid of bed bugs: Due to the difficulty in treating and eliminating bed bugs, I strongly recommend you have this done professionally. If you had an issue with mice or ants I would say…
Avoiding Bed Bugs at the Pan Am Games in Toronto 2015
Next summer people from all over the World will be visiting Toronto for the Pan Am Games. Some will bring unexpected travellers to the hotel room you could be staying in. Some may get unexpected travellers on the way home. …
Bed Bugs Found on Vacation
Bed Bugs Can Be Brought Home From Your Vacation or Business Trip. The holiday season is fast approaching and the last thing you want to deal with when you get home besides your dirty laundry are bed bugs. Bed bugs…

Bed Bug Control
Bed Bug Control Gimmicks Many of you have seen advertisements over the internet regarding bed bugs such as: Silver Bullet Found To Kill Bed Bugs or Best Bed Bug Trap Ever. The truth is, they all work to some extent.…