I recently did a K-9 Bed Bug Inspection in the Toronto area of limousine for hire. Upon inspection and alert of my dog I found bed bugs in the seats. In fact, an infestation! It got me thinking about all…

I recently did a K-9 Bed Bug Inspection in the Toronto area of limousine for hire. Upon inspection and alert of my dog I found bed bugs in the seats. In fact, an infestation! It got me thinking about all…
As if we needed another reason to lose sleep at night. Contrary to what researchers previously believed, bed bugs, the parasitic insects that feast on our blood after we bed down, are ‘Freeze-Intolerant’ Bed Bugs Can Survive Subzero Temperatures For…
Bed Bugs Can Be Brought Home From Your Vacation or Business Trip. The holiday season is fast approaching and the last thing you want to deal with when you get home besides your dirty laundry are bed bugs. Bed bugs…
CTV Atlantic Published Friday, November 8, 2013 1:48PM AST Health officials say bedbugs have been confirmed at Moncton’s Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre, resulting in a slowdown in the emergency department. They say medical staff detected insects on a patient…
Recent reports in Toronto of Bed Bugs Found in Library The Toronto Public Library has confirmed that that they do have a problem with bed bugs found in library books and borrowed material and they regularly inspect and treat for…
Survey: Bed Bugs Stories on Rise in Canadian Cities A survey of Canadian Public Health Inspectors shows a dramatic rise in bed bug infestations across Canada, bed bugs stories are rolling in. Apartment buildings are identified as the leading location…
Letting the Bedbugs Bite: Bed Bugs Repellent Maker Fined for Misleading Ads If you’re plagued by tiny nigh-invisible nightly visitors that leave your arms and legs dotted with itchy welts, you may have stopped short of dousing your mattress…
Experts Warn Recent Bed Bugs Lawsuits Are Just the Beginning of What’s to Come in Bed Bug Litigation Lawrenceville, NJ (PRWEB) June 25, 2013 Experts warn that the recent $800,000 record payout awarded to a Maryland woman this month (as…