
Purity Pest Control News &

Print Media Coverage


When people bite back against bed bugs

Radix k9 bed bug detection article

 Budget set aside to fight infestation sparks ELENA MAYSTRUK
Download:  radix-article

Sleep tight, because the bed bugs will bite

the_lanceBedbugs, the lentil-sized, blood-drinking, itch-causing biters of our flesh have made a dramatic comeback in the last 10 years. And like the sleep-fearing teens of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, many of us have begun to look at our beds with mistrust.

Download:  TheLance

The tweet that sent TIFF into a bedbug frenzy

Globe and Mail

Film festival venue found to be bug-free after twitterer claimed that a friend had been bitten.  Read Article

Battling bedbugs a booming business

Toronto Star

They are the scourge of urban dwellers and suburbanites alike. A blood-sucking pest that lives, loves, breeds – and most disturbingly feeds – in our beds.  Read Article.

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

National Post

It would be best not to panic, but we stand on the threshold of a global pandemic. This one, according to a study released last week by the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky, involves bedbugs, the tiny bloodsucking insects that have struck fear in the hearts of anyone who appreciates a good night’s sleep.  Download:  FAQAboutBedbugs

Bugs Between Us & Them

The divide continues. India and other emerging market economies may have found a seat at the G-20, the world’s newest high table, but their lifestyles and responses continue to be so different from those of rich countries as to make them the odd men out among G-8 nations such as Canada or Germany. Download Article:  telegraphindia_com_1100628

Dogs sniff out bed bugs from G20 delegates’ rooms

When G20 delegates are threatened by Toronto’s bedbug infestation, a call goes out to the experts — scent-trained dogs. Toronto Star Article Jun 18 2010

Purity Pest Control’s Michael Goldman earns ACE Certification

Goldman is the first non-US resident to earn the designation of ACE, Associate Certified Entomologist.  Canada’s First

Inspector Kody solves Bed Bug problem in Ontario Resort!

Vaughan based Purity Pest Control Limited was asked to bring in “Inspector Kody”, one of only 3 or 4 dogs in the world specially trained to “sniff out” bed bugs, to help with an on going bed bug problem at a well known central Ontario resort. Bed Bugs Update – News Release

Latest Trend for Inspector Kody!

Inspector Kody demonstrates latest technique and newest trend in termite detection.

Download:  Latest Trend for Inspector Kody

Another First for Canada!

Inspector Kody, Canada’s First termite detecting dog is one of 2 in the world.

Download:  Canada’s First

Saved by his nose!

Inspector Kody was dumped at a pound and was slated for an unhappy end.

Download:  Saved by his Nose

Welcome Alexa, Our 2ND K-9 Employee!

Purity Pest Control Limited today introduced it’s newest 4 legged employee, “Inspector Alexa”.

Download:  News Release Bed Bugs – Alexa