Letting the Bedbugs Bite: Bed Bugs Repellent Maker Fined for Misleading Ads If you’re plagued by tiny nigh-invisible nightly visitors that leave your arms and legs dotted with itchy welts, you may have stopped short of dousing your mattress…
Bed Bugs Repellent Maker Fined
Recent Bed Bugs Lawsuit
Experts Warn Recent Bed Bugs Lawsuits Are Just the Beginning of What’s to Come in Bed Bug Litigation Lawrenceville, NJ (PRWEB) June 25, 2013 Experts warn that the recent $800,000 record payout awarded to a Maryland woman this month (as…
Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs
Inspector Kody: 1st in the world of the Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs. 2005 Purity Pest Control Limited was the first company in the world to deploy a bed bug sniffing dog team to “sniff-out” live bed bugs. Trained and handled…
Purity Pest Control Enters the World of Blogging
Purity Pest Control is starting to blog. We would like to build an online community to help educate, inform and provide expert advice when it comes to beg bugs. Purity Pest Control and its K9 teams, lead by Inspector Kody,…

Residential Pest Control
Dogs are safe and effective ways to detect common household pests!

Commercial Pest Control
Dogs are an efficient and cost effective way of finding commercial pests!

K-9 Bed Bug Detection
Toronto K-9 Bed Bug Detection Toronto K-9 Bed Bug Detection from Purity Pest Control, Serving Toronto and GTA. Trained bed bug dogs find pests fast! What are Bed Bugs? Bed bugs are parasites that prefer to feed on human blood.…