Cockroach Control
You can reduce the likelihood of cockroach infestation by keeping food storage areas clean and dry, and foodstuffs tightly sealed. A Purity Pest Control professional will inspect and treat your home or business for cockroaches and other pests. Call 1-905-761-9388 to schedule an appointment or submit an Inspection Request Form today!
How do I recognize a cockroach?The most common cockroach in Canada is the German cockroach. It has a flattened oval body with long spiny legs and measures 20 mm (3/4″) when fully grown. Both male and female are winged and are light brown with two dark brown stripes running lengthwise on the thorax (midsection). Do cockroaches cause damage?No. The presence of cockroaches is not normally associated with damage to buildings or vegetation. Cockroaches are active year-round. What attracts cockroaches? Cockroaches are attracted to food, water, warmth, and shelter. They will eat anything and are particularly attracted to starchy foodstuffs. They can be found under the cleanest conditions, wherever food and warmth are present. For this reason they are a major problem in hospitals, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, butcher shops, multi-unit residences, and homes. Their habitat is around sinks, behind stoves and refrigerators, in drains and cracks. Cockroaches are nocturnal and are most active at night. Any sudden light will cause them to scurry for shelter. What are their breeding habits? Do they multiply quickly?The female cockroach carries an egg capsule containing approximately 40 eggs which she drops prior to hatching. Development from eggs to adults takes 3 to 4 months and adult cockroaches live up to a year. The female may produce up to 8 egg cases in her lifetime. An infestation of cockroaches can number in the thousands. If l have an infestation of cockroaches, what can be done for cockroach control or to eliminate them?Cockroach control and the elimination of cockroaches is a difficult and time-consuming project. While there are several products registered for cockroaches on the market, this type of pest is better left to the professionals at Purity. Due to the nature of cockroaches, control is a process requiring intensive product knowledge and a professional may need to be consulted for complete elimination. Although little can be done to prevent an infestation, the practice of good sanitation and the elimination of accessible food are ways to minimize the extent of the problem. Careful inspection of produce or packages entering the home can help to prevent cockroaches from establishing themselves in your building. |